Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for

The purpose of this page is to inform our website visitors about our protocols for collecting, utilizing, and sharing Personal Information when they opt to use our Service.

Your privacy is important to us, which is why we want you to know that by using our Service, you are giving us permission to collect and use your information as stated in our Privacy Policy. Rest assured that the data we gather is solely to enhance your experience with our Service and will not be shared with any third party unless it aligns with the guidelines stated in our Privacy Policy.

Information Collection and Use

To ensure that you have the best experience possible with our Service, we may require you to provide us with certain personal information, such as your name, phone number, and address, so that we can easily identify and communicate with you.

Log Data

When you use our Service, we will gather Log Data from your browser, such as your IP address, browser version, pages visited, visit times and durations, and other relevant statistics.


Websites use cookies to track your browsing history and tailor advertisements based on your interests.

Our Service relies oncookies to collect essential information and enhance its functionality. You have the option to accept or decline these cookies, and you can also control when a cookie is transmitted to your device. However, if you opt out of accepting our cookies, you may not be able to access some of the advanced features of our Service.

Service Providers

Some reasons we may choose to enlist the help of external companies and individuals include:

  • To improve the user-friendliness of our Service
  • To offer the Service directly to our customers
  • To provide assistance related to the Service
  • To assist us in analyzing the usage of our Service.

We are informing our Service users that some third parties may have access to your Personal Information. However, they are only permitted to use it for tasks assigned to them on our behalf. These third parties are bound by an agreement to not disclose or use the information for any other purpose.


We acknowledge the responsibility of handling your Personal Information and are committed to keeping it secure. Our team employs industry-standard measures to safeguard it, but we understand the ever-evolving nature of cyber risks on the internet.

Links to Other Sites

It‘s important to note that while clicking on a link to a third-party site may redirect you to their page, it‘s crucial to review their Privacy Policy since it may differ from ours.

Children’s Privacy

For safety and privacy reasons, our services are restricted to individuals over the age of 13 and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children in this age range. In the event that we receive personal information from a minor, we will promptly delete it. If you are a parent or guardian of a minor and believe they have provided us with personal information, please notify us immediately so we can address the issue.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

It is important to regularly review our Privacy Policy as updates can occur at any time, and these changes will be promptly communicated by publishing the revised policy on this page, ensuring that you stay up-to-date.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or feedback regarding our Privacy Policy.